List Internal Transfers

Get all internal transfers of a user. (Private ๐Ÿ”’)

Retrieve details of all transfers for a user using this endpoint. Please note that this is a Private ๐Ÿ”’ route which means it needs to be authorized by the account initiating this request.

Note: You will need to include the JWT Auth token to request headers to access this endpoint. To get the JWT Auth Token, refer the login section of the documentation.


GET /sapi/v1/internal_transfers/v2/

Request Headers

  "Authorization": "JWT ***"

Query params




    "status": "success",
    "message": "Fetched internal transfers successfully",
    "payload": {
        "internal_transfers": [
                "client_reference_id": "18713401936769560",
                "amount": "10",
                "currency": "usdc",
                "from_address": "0xF",
                "destination_address": "0x4",
                "status": "success",
                "created_at": "2023-07-10T11:36:57.820203Z",
                "updated_at": "2023-07-10T11:51:54.937498Z"
                "client_reference_id": "3904693199068586",
                "amount": "1",
                "currency": "usdc",
                "from_address": "0xF",
                "destination_address": "0x5",
                "status": "pending",
                "created_at": "2023-07-10T07:32:32.933317Z",
                "updated_at": "2023-07-10T07:32:32.933340Z"
    "total_count": 2,
    "limit": 20,
    "offset": 1

Last updated