Python SDK

This package facilitates the use of the tanX (previously APIs.

tanX Python Connector includes utility/connector methods which can be used to interact with the tanX API.

Please check out the full implementation here to find all the rest api methods, web-socket methods and examples.


First go to the tanX website and create an account with your wallet.

Install the package using pip.

pip install tanx-connector


Check out the example files to see the complete workflow.


Make sure that tanxconnector is installed and up-to-date. Also make sure you have an account on the mainnet or testnet website. To get quickly started, try running the simple example for creating and fetching the order once logged in. For the stark_private_key, kindly see the L2 Key Pair section of the documentation.

from tanxconnector import Client

ETH_ADDRESS = "(your eth wallet address)"
ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY = "(your wallet's private key)"
STARK_PRIVATE_KEY = "(stark private key from the L2 Key Pair)"

client = Client()

# login to the network
login = client.complete_login(ETH_ADDRESS, PRIVATE_KEY)

# create an order nonce
nonce: CreateOrderNonceBody = {'market': 'ethusdc', 'ord_type':'market', 'price': 29580.51, 'side': 'sell', 'volume': 0.0005}

# create the order
order = client.create_complete_order(nonce, STARK_PRIVATE_KEY)

# fetch the details of the order just created
order_id = order['payload']['id']
fetch_order = client.get_order(order_id)

Github repo

Please find the complete implementation here with documentation and examples

Last updated